

- MFA, Independent Filmmaking/Digital Imaging, Governors State University, University Park, IL, 2009

- BA, Photography, Brooks Institute of Photography, Santa Barbara, CA, 1995

- Professional Market Representative, Canon USA, 2016-current

- Department Chairman, Photography, Harrington College of Design, 2004-2016

- Staff Photographer, The Museum of Science and Industry, 1999-2004

- Author of Digital Photography Lighting for Dummies, 2010

- Filter Photo Festival, board president 2013-15, board member 2012-16, advisory board 2010-12

- ASMP Chicago/Midwest board member 2003-2009, general member 2001-2016

Photography Projects- Custom Cameras-

- The Lustron Project, Landmarks Illinois - The Zenzablad, PetaPixel

- Porcelain Utopia, RB Landmark - 6x9 folder conversion, DPReview

- The Field Trip, 17 lost images, 35mmc - Custom 6x9 camera, 35mmc

- Holga Stratosphere, Time Magazine - 6x12 Conversions, The Phoblographer

- Holga Stratosphere Project, PetaPixel

- Holga Stratosphere, Lenscratch

- Holga Stratosphere, Phoblographer

- Chronic tinker-er, designer and builder of cameras

- I make images most every day!